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Let's Build

Review: Platforms

Video Calls are available on Android, iOS, Mac OS, Web, and Windows.

Review: Framework

Supported using Electron, Unity, Flutter, React Native, Cocos Creator, and Cocos2d-x. Don't forget the Server Side.

Review: Getting Ready

First, customers need to access the Console and set up their account.

Steps to creating the web app

Create your own app.

1. Step Up Folders

Watch: Create Folders

You need to step up your project folders for the HTML pages and other page elements.

Step One:

Create a new project folder.

Create two sub-folders named styles       and scripts

MacOS  versus Windows 

In the next series of steps, there are two different processes dependent on your operating system. Please ensure you follow the appropriate step for your computer. If you are not sure, please ask.

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